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Serge Meets Jason Ellis



How did you get into modelling?

I was scouted by elite model management in We Are FSTVL in 2013.

What advice would you give an aspiring model?
Be positive and patient, continue to learn what you need to know and also adapt what you’ve already learned to different situations.

What’s the best thing about your job?
I’d say the best part of my career would be the chance to travel and work around the world, meeting different people and cultures. (And of course the partying haha)

Have you got any exciting projects coming up?
At the moment I haven’t got any projects coming up, but I will be soon – Keep a look out.

Who’s your favorite designer at the moment?
I wouldn’t say I have a favourite designer, I like every designer in their unique ways – at the moment Proudlock is doing it for me.

Favourite spot in London?
London is beautiful in many ways, for me it will be around the shoreditch and brick lane area for the amazing art, food, fashion and culture.

If you weren’t modelling what would you be doing instead?
God knows, I’ll probably still be on the railway as a engineer shovelling ballasts and changing rails in the freezing cold.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
I couldn’t tell you, hopefully living abroad somewhere hot still pursuing my career as a model, and jumping on the property ladder.

Favourite piece from the Serge DeNimes SS16 collection?
I love all the pieces from the collection but my favourites are the Black 4 Symbols Waterproof and the Gold Padlock Necklace.

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