Serge Meets Christie Leigh



How did you get into modelling?
I had always modeled for friends at school and college and when I moved to London to do a foundation in art and design I got an agent and started modeling properly. I was really lucky that my agency we’re really cool about me studying along side modeling. 

What advice would you give an aspiring model?
To not take it too seriously, i think girls can get really caught up in the industry and its sad because its a really fun job and we should all just enjoy it. 

What’s the best thing about your job?
I think its obvious but getting to travel is a big perk! And that every day is different. You never get board, even on casting days when you’re traveling and waiting around allot you can get stuck into a good book.

Have you got any exciting projects coming up?
I’ve got 2 new Illamasqua make-up campaigns coming out soon which is pretty exciting as I love the brand. I also shot a cute little Adidas campaign just before Christmas so hopefully that will be out soon as well. 

Who’s your favorite designer at the moment?
I’m in LOVE with Rodarte – I like how they make the most beautiful and delicate pieces and then make them cool and fun. The Star Wars collection they did in 2014 is by far my fave. But i’m not like obsessed with designers or labels in anyway – I buy most of my clothes from charity shops and vintage shops. I love clothes to have had a story. 

Favourite spot in London?
Thats so hard to pick a favourite!! I love the mineral collection at the Natural History Museum, mainly because i’m really into rocks. The gardens at the Horniman Museum are really beautiful.  

If you weren’t modelling what would you be doing instead?
I studied illustration at university, I draw and paint allot and I make embroideries of my illustrations so I guess I would be entirely focused on that. I’m just really lucky that modeling is a so flexible and creative – I can have the best of both worlds. 

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully as a fully fledged illustrator and artist.  

Favourite piece from the Serge DeNimes SS16 collection?
I really like the No Noise collection – its really wearable! 

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