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Serge meets Ariel

How were you scouted?

My sister was a model, she quit it but then in 2015, she got scouted again. One day I and my mother went to a meeting with the scouter at a shopping centre and he said that I could be a model as well, he took some pictures and sent to an agency, they signed me and then I started modelling. 

Do you have any hidden talents?

Maybe it’s hidden even for me because It’s being hard to find what I’m really good at haha. 

What do you do when you’re not modelling?

I’m a 24/7 model. What do you think I do? Kidding, normally I go out with friends or play the guitar at home. 

Favourite band/singer?

I don’t have one specifically. I love Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, John Frusciante’s songs besides the Chili Peppers, Jimi Hendrix… 

Do you have any exciting projects coming up?

Yes, I’m going home for 1 month soon. 

Tell us something you’ve not told in an interview before…

I like animals and flowers.  

Favourite piece of the Serge DeNimes collection?

I liked the caps and especially the pink t-shirt

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