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Serge Meets Alexander



How were you scouted?

I was scouted at a photographers party.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Optimistic, meticulous and conscientious. I take what I love doing very seriously. But not too seriously haha.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I’m a guitarist/producer. Not actually too hidden a talent as everyone i know, knows that’s my “thing” so to say.

Favourite band/singer?

Who I am about to say is one of very many favourites…but for the sake of nailing it down, i’d say Grant Green. I’ve been listening/studying his work a lot recently.

Favourite emoji?

Not really into those haha, but the lightning one probably looks the coolest. ⚡

Do you have any exciting projects coming up?

There are a few of collaborative projects that are in the works, Including my own body of work. Keep an eye out… and an ear, or two.

Favourite piece of the Serge DeNimes collection?

I like the silver cross pendant. Their white tee’s are proper too.

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